Saturday, July 14, 2007

Another Hat!

What a cool hat!!

Look at the front of the Fall 2007 Knitsimple magazine.

Look familiar? I really like that magazine. There are 3 or 4 other patterns in their that I want to try. I think mittens are in order to match this hat and there is an easy pattern in the mag.

This one went really fast. I knitted it up while watching television. It's all knitting in the round and decreases once the ear flaps are connected. It took me a little while to figure out how to attach the ear flaps but once I figured that out, I was off like the Mad Hatter.

The neat thing about making these different hat patterns is that the first time around there are mistakes but I've learned ways to improve on each hat that I make.

The mannequin's name is Miss Star Phoam. Upon recommendation, I'll be looking for a wig for her.


Unknown said...

What?, someone has something against bald heads? Love the hats, love the Alpaca, love the fact another E'ville knitter is blogging. Now, if someone else would get back to blogging!

Anonymous said...

Yes.... ummm.... Miss Stuck-Up can't get one measley little blog up and running so we can see her knitting.

We'll just have to slam her on our own blogs.

Indiana Peach said...

I hate you all.


Little Miss Stuck-Up