Monday, September 24, 2007

Cable Scarf

So, it's been awhile since I've posted on my blog. I have just been so busy with work and church. I'm finishing up the cookbook this week for the church. I'll be glad to get this task over with. I do hope that the lady's group raises lots of money for the missions that they want to support.
Here is a snapshot of the scarf that I am working on right now. I am really enjoying this.

This is my first attempt at anything cable and it's really cool. I haven't got my brain wrapped around how this is happening but I love it.

I've been using a cable needle and have found that for now that works the best for me.
Oh the home front ... Tinkerbella went back home to live with her previous family. I miss her so much. But, I got a new baby. His name is Pancho Villa. He's a rotten little 2 1/2 pound Chihuahua. He's quickly winning over my heart.
I also finally got on Ravelry! Woo Hoo! That really is a great website. I've been pestering Kibbles over the fact that I got in before her! (slight snicker) but I'll get her a T-shirt to make it up to her.
Oh ya - believe it or not there is a Chihuahua group inside Ravelry. I'm a member of course. I hope to find lots of patterns for my little Hua.
Life is good. I'm off work today and tomorrrow. That's good. I'll have a short work week. That's good. Knitting on Thursday. That's good. Everything is really good now ... maybe it's the meds! haha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It must be the meds!