The New Baby!
Yes, I have a new baby!
Here she in in all her glory. As you can see here in this photo, she's been very busy unraveling a $40 skein of alapca. The yarn goes around the green chair, down the hall and the rest is in the kitchen. I was just telling someone that she was so good - that she will sit on my lap when I knit. Then she goes and pulls this stunt. I didn't even hear her.
This isn't a really good photo of her. She's a going concern and rarely stops long enough for a photoshoot session. The neighbor guy came over and she charmed him a bit. He was doing the ole' dog whisperer thing with her and she responded great. He had her sitting and laying down.
I can't get her to do anything. I will say however that since I've had her ... almost one week now. She's only bit me once or twice today. On day one, she bit me about 100 times.
I love her. I can't help it.
So, you must be into pain! I am not sure the dog would still be in my home after a stunt like that. I prefer the roll over kind of stunts.
Ok. Where's Poncho? Where's the picture of Chris?
Don't make Captain Ethel hunt you down.
I just now got around to putting Pancho on the blog.
Little Tinkerbella went back to live with her old family - the poor dear. She's got to put up with noisy kids that are too young to have a chi. She's also got a few behavioral problems that I could have probably gotten her out of. From what I hear, she's still got her problems.
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