Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cabin in the Woods

I haven't posted a blog lately so I thought I'd post a picture of my mom at the folk's cabin in Canada. They are up there adding the front deck onto the cabin. I think the deck is as big as the rest of the cabin.

It looks really nice and I'm sure the boys - Baxter and Bismark, a Sheltie and Weinie Dog, are loving the deck where they can run in and out. Mom said it's cool there. I wish it was cool here. I hate hot weather and especially when the weather man is saying it's going to be at least 100 degrees three out of the next five days.

Anyway, Frank is going to have a surgery in a couple of week to remove some spots found during his colonoscopy. Please say a prayer for Frank so that his recovery goes quickly.

As for knitting, I've not knitted quite as much this week. I am however still working on my second booga bag. I'm going to add a closure on this one and I've been looking as how to put purse frames into my bags. I think those are pretty cool.

By the way Liz, we had 6 knitters for Friday's knitting. Everyone misses you at the sessions so hurry back!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would think she is already home. I don't know though, they might have caught her for running those toll booths last year!
Next year in Schaumburg, mid Aug. Put it on your calendar! Well, as soon as I find out what weekend.