Saturday, August 18, 2007

The New Baby!

Yes, I have a new baby!

Here she in in all her glory. As you can see here in this photo, she's been very busy unraveling a $40 skein of alapca. The yarn goes around the green chair, down the hall and the rest is in the kitchen. I was just telling someone that she was so good - that she will sit on my lap when I knit. Then she goes and pulls this stunt. I didn't even hear her.

This isn't a really good photo of her. She's a going concern and rarely stops long enough for a photoshoot session. The neighbor guy came over and she charmed him a bit. He was doing the ole' dog whisperer thing with her and she responded great. He had her sitting and laying down.

I can't get her to do anything. I will say however that since I've had her ... almost one week now. She's only bit me once or twice today. On day one, she bit me about 100 times.

I love her. I can't help it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A little more mileage ...

I just gotta get a little more milage out of my blue ribbon.

Here is my baby brother modeling my hat.

Ain't he handsome?

He's a good sport!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cabin in the Woods

I haven't posted a blog lately so I thought I'd post a picture of my mom at the folk's cabin in Canada. They are up there adding the front deck onto the cabin. I think the deck is as big as the rest of the cabin.

It looks really nice and I'm sure the boys - Baxter and Bismark, a Sheltie and Weinie Dog, are loving the deck where they can run in and out. Mom said it's cool there. I wish it was cool here. I hate hot weather and especially when the weather man is saying it's going to be at least 100 degrees three out of the next five days.

Anyway, Frank is going to have a surgery in a couple of week to remove some spots found during his colonoscopy. Please say a prayer for Frank so that his recovery goes quickly.

As for knitting, I've not knitted quite as much this week. I am however still working on my second booga bag. I'm going to add a closure on this one and I've been looking as how to put purse frames into my bags. I think those are pretty cool.

By the way Liz, we had 6 knitters for Friday's knitting. Everyone misses you at the sessions so hurry back!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

My new project bag!

I've been trying to find a new knitting bag. The one I have is a big red and black canvas type bag and it flops over. I saw one knitting bag that someone had at Four Ladies that I really liked. It was more of an oval shaped basket that was lined and had handles. I think that's what I'll try to look for.

A second thing that I needed was a small project bag so I can just take a single project with me. I was sitting today sewing on the handles of my first felted bag and it came to me that this would make a perfect project bag!

So here you have it. My new project bag. I love it!

Friday, August 3, 2007

I'm so organized!

So, I guess it's official!

I'm a knitter! My yarn stash is very, very small at the moment. I'm documenting this photo so that I can come back in a year and see what this fascination with yarn and needles and scarves, hats, socks, etc. will have done to me.


These bins used to be full of fat quarters in all sorts of colors. It's all packed up now in the closet and I've started a system for keeping track of my projects.

I just love this!