Friday, July 13, 2007

Evan Almighty

Is this not the cutest face you've ever seen?

So, on the last day of my vacation I decided to go to the movies. I didn't want to see anything too long because I hate being in the theatre 3 hours. Pirates is 2 hours and 45 minutes long so I chose Evan Almighty.

What a cute movie!

It is entertaining, funny, not too long, and it is a feel good movie with lots of animals in the scenes. There were four of five scenes with alpacas and just think up until a few months ago, I never even thought about alpacas! Now I want a herd of them.

Here is a cute link that I found on the net for the movie.


Indiana Peach said...

You know... You could knit while you're in the theater. Just take something easy like a bag.

Let's make Erik get us an alpaca. Check out his blog.

Anonymous said...

Ya - let's make him.

You gotta see Evan Almighty - even if it's only for the 90 seconds of alpaca film.